Members of the Ohio Nordic Cross Country Ski Club are invited to leave comments about trail conditions or when/where to meet up for skiing.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Icy, crusty, skiing

Big Met was groomed before the freeze and is now rock hard. It's very tough skiing for skaters because they groomed an extra stride track right down the center before the freeze-up. I suggest classic skiing only there until they are able to Ginsu the ice a bit, and re-set a track to the side, where it belongs. The track is so fast, it's almost not even a workout. I know, I'm getting picky now...A BIG CONGRATS to Coach Tom who took some Hilltoppers to B.C. Canada for the International Children's Winter Games and had a lot of success. See the YouTube video at  -MF

1 comment:

  1. That YouTube is way cool! Conditions at Chapin Thurs. were perfect.
