Members of the Ohio Nordic Cross Country Ski Club are invited to leave comments about trail conditions or when/where to meet up for skiing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Places to ski ..

Great idea on Blog Mike. thanks for update on Orchard. I'll probably see you in Rocky River Res. sometime soon - hard to beat it for convenience on wknights. I've also been skiing at Indian Hollow MetroPark in Grafton as its so close to home (and can enter at night behind the Grafton bowling alley) -- probably not worth the drive for anyone else though. The Lorain Co Parks Equestrian Ctr is also quite good when it gets skied-in but access is difficult in the dark.. Oberlin Golf course is also good for far-westies. I've been to Girdled Road 3x so far this year and is definitely worth the extra drive, especially when Chapin is busy or icy. More snow there too, and they have a new trail out of Big Creek Valley that is really challenging (better for classical is narrow). Any word on grooming at N. Olmsted golf course??

1 comment:

  1. Grooming at Springvale is still in the works. I've been researching groomers a bit with brother Gene in VT. to present some ideas. -MF
